Seesaw Theatre condemns police brutality and the long history of institutionalized racism that this country is built upon.

As an organization dedicated to providing safe, inclusive, and autonomous spaces for autistic and otherwise disabled audiences, we must recognize the intersection of race and disability and how that impacts our work and the world at large.

We are a predominately white group at a predominately white institution and have a significant amount of privilege because of this. The movement for justice for Black people, including disability justice, is one headed by Black leaders and activists. We stand with them in solidarity and are taking this time to better educate ourselves on the intersection of Blackness and disability. We are also committed to providing monetary support for organizations that were founded by and advocate for disabled Black people - especially those navigating police encounters and the criminal justice system.

We are sharing the resources and organizations we are looking to at this time in the hope they can be similarly used and shared by you, the friends of Seesaw. They can be found here, as well as on Seesaw’s Facebook and Instagram. Please reach out if you have resources you’d like to add.

We encourage the Seesaw community to take action in any way possible to fuel the continual efforts towards racial justice - to not just say but show that Black Lives Matter.

-Seesaw Theatre
Ilana Abusch, Erin Claeys, Sami Devries, Faith Douglas, Emma Flanders, Zach Forbes, Rachel Hilbert, Juliet Huneke, Julia Laurenson, Molly McCarthy, Susie McCollum, Molly McDermott, Maddie Powell, McGuire Price, Lexi Ryan, Hope Valls, Mikey Walden, and Samantha Zhang.
