After being cooped up inside for months, we could all use a little adventure. For both kids and adults, even just a few moments outside in the fresh air (maybe by the waters of Lake Michigan) make all the difference right now. Living in Chicagoland, however, we’re not going to have nice warm sunshine for much longer. But, just because Winter will be cold, that doesn’t mean that it needs to be without adventure!

There are plenty of ways to go on a magical, sensational journey from your own home. A spray bottle can become the spray of the ocean. A blanket in your living room can become your very own mermaid tail. Your imagination, aided by a few creative props, can create a whole magical world for you to experience.

Even in the cold weather, even if we are all stuck at home, we are so excited to bring the adventure and excitement of a magical journey at sea with our show “All Aboard!”

-Ilana Abusch, Winter Director

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